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The foundation was established January 15, 1936, in Michigan by Edsel Ford (president of the Ford Motor Company) and two other executives "to receive and administer funds for scientific, educational and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare." During its early years, the foundation operated in Michigan under the leadership of Ford family members and their associates and supported the Henry Ford Hospital and the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, among other organizations.
Based on recommendations made, the foundation expanded its grant making to include support for higher education, the arts, economic development, civil rights, and the environment, among other areas. Each year the Ford Foundation receives about 40,000 proposals and makes about 1,400 grants. Requests range from a few thousand to millions of dollars and are accepted in categories such as project planning and support; general support; and endowments. The types of grants we make: General or Core support, Project, Planning, Competition, Matching, Recoverable, Individual, Endowment, Foundation-administered project, Program-related investment
Ford Foundation
320st 43rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10017
Tel.: +1 212 573 5000+1 212 573 5000
Fax: +1 212 351 3677