The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
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The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) is a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its task is to ensure effective foreign aid, with quality assurance and evaluation. Norad finances NGOs and does its own research and projects. As of mid-2004, the responsibility for state-to-state official development assistance has been transferred to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while Norad continues to fund NGO activities in developing countries, contributes to the management of development funds and endeavours to ensure that the Norwegian development cooperation is evaluated and efficient..
Each year, Norad announces funding for research and institutional cooperation between Norwegian research institutions and research institutions in developing countries. Norad is also responsible for providing support for international organisations.
Norad's support schemes for civil society cover voluntary stakeholders that are active in developing countries. They include organisations, associations, confederations, special interest groups and societies. They range from large, national organisations that are involved in major projects in several countries to small associations based in local communities that are working with a single partner on a single project. Projects cover a wide range of areas and sectors, with the main emphasis on women, children, the environment, education, HIV/AIDS and health. Norad requires the organisations that receive support to meet certain requirements relating to development expertise and administration.
Also, Norad is responsible for encouraging the private sector to engage in commercial activities in developing countries. Assistance to promote the transfer of technology, goods and services in order to support the development of infrastructure and commercial activities in developing countries is also important. Furthermore, assistance is provided for measures that strengthen developing countries' export opportunities. The projects that receive support must meet the environmental requirements of recipient countries and the international community. They must also help to promote fundamental trade union rights in accordance with international conventions and labour standards.
Norad - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
- Location: Ruseløkkveien 26 0251 Oslo, Norway
- Post address: Pb 8034 Dep. 0030 Oslo, Norway
- Telephone: +47 23 98 00 00
- E-mail: postmottak@norad.n