Hightlight On International Foundation For Science
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International Foundation for Science was established in 1965 upon recommendations of the Pugwash Conference in Venice. The establishment of International Foundation for Science was to address the stultifying conditions under which younger faculty members in the universities of developing countries were attempting to do research. IFS was founded as a Research Council and registered as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Sweden in 1972. IFS receive funding from a portfolio of donors and funders including development organisations and science academies. IFS have 135 Affiliated Organisations in 86 countries, mainly in the developing world. IFS have an international Board of Trustees. The IFS Secretariat is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
The overall goal that IFS seeks to achieve is that: ‘Young men and women scientists in developing countries conduct relevant and high quality research that is put it into use’. In order to contribute to this goal, IFS provides opportunities for young scientists to propose research into biological and water resources in low income countries. These proposals are rigorously assessed by international experts, with grants and support provided to the very best early career scientists to enable them to work in their own country and tackle research issues related to local needs.
Local training courses contribute towards strengthening the capability of developing country scientists to propose, conduct, report and share relevant and high quality research. The research can involve the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes, as well as relevant social and economic aspects and issues related to securing entitlements. It can be theoretical or applied and will be likely to address aspects of sustainable management, conservation, or renewable and equitable utilisation of the natural resource base. IFS has awarded over 7,000 small grants, in over 100 countries, building capability of tens of thousands of young developing world researchers.
International Foundation for Science (IFS)
Karlavägen 108, 5th floor
SE-115 26 Stockholm